For Healthy Youth
We aim to prevent youth substance use and promote mental health through education, advocacy, and evidence-based strategies.
Implementing Effective Strategies
Boone County Alliance is a non-profit organization working towards building a healthy community by preventing and reducing drug and substance use among the youth. Our current focus is vaping, cannabis, underage drinking, and mental health.
We have a meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 10 - 11:30 A.M. Join us at the NKY Health Department District Office.
Spreading Awareness about Drug Use
We focus on implementing effective strategies, building community partnerships, and promoting evidence-based interventince of drug use among youth, their families, and those in future generations. We work with schools, parents, and other organizations to spread awareness about the debilitating mental, physical, and emotional effects of drug use and how it can weaken the community.
Implementing Effective Strategies
We have volunteers from more than ten organizations, including partners from education, law enforcement, youth-serving organizations, healthcare, and religious sectors. Our ultimate goal is to improve mental health among the youth and build a substance-free generation.